クリエーター&イノベーターのノア ミズノの最新作で、まるでマトリックスのような動画「TECH NOIR」をゆっくりご鑑賞下さい。
クリスチャン・エドワーズが監督し、ノアの姉のマリア ミズノがプロデュースした「TECH NOIR」は、SF映画やヘビーバレルの空想世界へと私達を引きずり込みます。
サーフィン歴はどれくらいですか? あなたのスタイルは?
なるほど。「TECH NOIR」制作のきっかけは? 動画の中ではどのような役割でしたか?
オーストラリアで仲間と一緒に旅しながら音楽を掛けていたらGunshipのTech Niorが流れて来ました。
ディテールに拘ってると思いますが、、、TECH NOIRの他のクリエーターとの関係を教えて下さい。どのような経緯でパートナーとして一緒に制作することになったのですか?
姉のマリアさんがこの動画をプロデュースしたと言うことですが、それはどんな経験でしたか? これまでに一緒にプロジェクトの制作をしたことはありましたか? 今後も続けていきますか?
TECH NOIRでの一番最高の波は?
Slow down and feed your mind with Creator & Innovator Noa Mizuno's newest matrix-like film, TECH NOIR. Directed by Christian Edwards and Produced by Noa's Sister Malia Mizuno, TECH NOIR transports us to a utopia of sci-fi cinema & heavy barrels. Press play & learn more below.
What's up, Noa? Tell us a bit about your background and where you’re from.
I’m from Honolulu, Hawaii and I love to surf. Period.
Right on to the point - we dig it. How long have you been surfing? What’s your style?
Been surfing since a baby right here at Queens, Wakiki Beach where surfing started. I feel very proud to grow up here and feel the real culture and essence of surfing everyday.
It shows. So tell us, what inspired TECH NOIR? What roles did you serve on the film?
Its been almost 3 years in the making. It all started from just a car ride. Road trippin in Australia with some homies listening to great music and “Tech Noir” by Gunship starting playing. I just knew it was going to be in my next part and it was going to be something special. P.S. just wear headphones.
The thoughtful details are definitely obvious. Explain your relationship with the other creators on TECH NOIR. How did you decide to partner together?
I’ve been working with Christian Edwards for about 4 years now, we’ve been on some amazing trips together and he’s really coming into his own as a filmmaker. Also Koa San Luis, another talented director from Hawai’i. And my sister Malia who produced the film and put together all the pieces. I love when people are so passionate about what they do and thats what really put a fire under my ass to do what I love and do it with my all. This is just a reflection of it.
You mention that your sister Malia produced the film. What was that experience like? Have you created projects together in the past? Will you continue in the future?
My sis has been producing films and other projects for a couple years now, but this was our first project we got to work on together. She's also got an eye for photography too. All along it was awesome to have her be apart of this project. She really sets the bar when it comes to organizing and bringing everything together. She's always been there for me throughout my whole life, I'm very proud to be her brother and she will go far with whatever she does. But she's damn talented at this film stuff that's for sure.
So rad. How long have you been making films and edits? What inspires that work?
Making films has been a passion for me since I started watching surf films. Especially because when you’d hear that a new surf movie was coming out, nobody saw clips from it before. Nobody really had an idea of what it was going to be like. We didn’t have social media or online to blow it up. You go to the surf shop, beg your parents to by the DVD. And when you’d watch it, its just so fresh and in the moment. And you just want to watch it over and over and over again. That’s what inspires me to do this.
Describe the best wave from TECH NOIR.
The last wave at Pipeline, it was 2019. It was one of the last really good swells of that season, but when I came early I just saw the way the water was drawing off the reef and knew it was really scary out there. Probably of the heaviest, perfect days I’ve seen. I just waited for hours until that wave just came right to me and got a hoot from a few of the boys. I don’t think Ive ever been in a bigger barrel than that. One of the best waves of my life for sure. Saved that clip on my hard drive for 3 years now.
What’s coming up next?
You’ll just have to wait and see.
Instagram // @noamizuno, @thechristianedwards