「メリーランド州の若者、サイモン・ヘトリックにパスポート、サーフボード、そしてAdobe Premiereを渡せば、必ずや素晴らしい成果を上げてくれる」 -Stab
再生ボタンを押すと、サイモンがインド、パナマ、ポルトガル、そして彼の故郷であるメリーランドで撮影した新作ショートフィルム「Fogo de Graxa("Grease Fire")」を見ることができます。
"Give Maryland teen Simon Hetrick a passport, a surfboard, and Adobe Premiere, and you're bound to get gold in return." ––Stab
Simon has been starring in, directing, scoring and editing his own surf shorts for years now. It's incredible how much the guy works to pull things together for himself, and each time he does we reap the benefit with an edit that makes us wish we could bounce around the globe and score waves alongside him.
Hit play to follow Simon throughout Indo, Panama, Portugual and his hometown of Maryland in his new short, Fogo de Graxa ("Grease Fire").
再生ボタンを押すと、サイモンがインド、パナマ、ポルトガル、そして彼の故郷であるメリーランドで撮影した新作ショートフィルム「Fogo de Graxa("Grease Fire")」を見ることができます。
"Give Maryland teen Simon Hetrick a passport, a surfboard, and Adobe Premiere, and you're bound to get gold in return." ––Stab
Simon has been starring in, directing, scoring and editing his own surf shorts for years now. It's incredible how much the guy works to pull things together for himself, and each time he does we reap the benefit with an edit that makes us wish we could bounce around the globe and score waves alongside him.
Hit play to follow Simon throughout Indo, Panama, Portugual and his hometown of Maryland in his new short, Fogo de Graxa ("Grease Fire").