木曜日の夜、私たちはVisslaとJason Woodsideのコラボレーションの発表を祝うためにLAのダウンタウンに向かいました。会場ではジェイソンのアートワークがギャラリーの壁を埋め尽くし、ジェイソンのデザインが施された巨大な風船のオブジェが会場の中央に設置されました。
会場は驚くほどくつろいだ雰囲気で、来場者はジェイソンとVisslaの新しいコラボレーションの数々に見入っていました。その中には、ジェイソンがジョシュアツリーの砂漠の中で古いメルセデスにペイントし、現在Visslaが懸賞の景品にしている、話題のCortex Cruiserも含まれていました。
会場でタコスを食べながらCalidad CervezasとJune Shineのハードコンブチャを飲み過ぎて酔っ払ってしまったので、詳細を思い出せないのですが、要点はご理解いただけると思います。一人の男の素晴らしい作品を、素晴らしい人々と一緒に讃える夜でした。
Thursday evening we headed up to Downtown LA to celebrate the launch of our Vissla x Jason Woodside Collaboration. Jason's artwork filled the walls of the gallery while an installation of inflatable shapes covered in his designs took up the center of the space.
Scroll through the gallery above for a glimpse of the hype and see below for what Stab had to say about it.
Certain artists can be difficult. Socially awkward. Slightly arrogant on a high of their own work. Jason Woodside is the exception: pleasant and engaged....Amongst a surprising chill in Downtown LA, we honored Jason’s newest collaboration with Vissla that included the much-talked-about Cortex Cruiser, an old Mercedes that Jason spray-painted in Joshua Tree and that Vissla is now giving away. This car stopped even the 9-5, Bluetooth-wearing, corporate desk jockeys that are known to haunt LA’s culturally defined blocks.
Jason told us that surf collectors are coming from all sides to buy the vehicle, but Vissla and Jason are honoring their word with one lucky person winning this car over the course of the next month.
You may not know Jason, but you’ve surely seen his work from NYC to LA to Sydney. The guy is everywhere and it’s no wonder why.
He graced last night’s event in a $20 vintage, plaid sports coat that he recently purchased in NYC, shaking any fan's hand, staring them in the eye as they asked a question he’s answered at least a dozen times, all while remembering their name and signing a print. On top of his creative qualities, this is why Jason’s become a global artist – everyone who approaches him feels like they’re having a conversation with an old friend.
We ate tacos and drank too many Calidad Cervezas and JuneShine hardbuchas to remember all the details, but you get the gist. It was a night honoring one man’s fine work with beautiful people." ––Stab
会場は驚くほどくつろいだ雰囲気で、来場者はジェイソンとVisslaの新しいコラボレーションの数々に見入っていました。その中には、ジェイソンがジョシュアツリーの砂漠の中で古いメルセデスにペイントし、現在Visslaが懸賞の景品にしている、話題のCortex Cruiserも含まれていました。
会場でタコスを食べながらCalidad CervezasとJune Shineのハードコンブチャを飲み過ぎて酔っ払ってしまったので、詳細を思い出せないのですが、要点はご理解いただけると思います。一人の男の素晴らしい作品を、素晴らしい人々と一緒に讃える夜でした。
Thursday evening we headed up to Downtown LA to celebrate the launch of our Vissla x Jason Woodside Collaboration. Jason's artwork filled the walls of the gallery while an installation of inflatable shapes covered in his designs took up the center of the space.
Scroll through the gallery above for a glimpse of the hype and see below for what Stab had to say about it.
Certain artists can be difficult. Socially awkward. Slightly arrogant on a high of their own work. Jason Woodside is the exception: pleasant and engaged....Amongst a surprising chill in Downtown LA, we honored Jason’s newest collaboration with Vissla that included the much-talked-about Cortex Cruiser, an old Mercedes that Jason spray-painted in Joshua Tree and that Vissla is now giving away. This car stopped even the 9-5, Bluetooth-wearing, corporate desk jockeys that are known to haunt LA’s culturally defined blocks.
Jason told us that surf collectors are coming from all sides to buy the vehicle, but Vissla and Jason are honoring their word with one lucky person winning this car over the course of the next month.
You may not know Jason, but you’ve surely seen his work from NYC to LA to Sydney. The guy is everywhere and it’s no wonder why.
He graced last night’s event in a $20 vintage, plaid sports coat that he recently purchased in NYC, shaking any fan's hand, staring them in the eye as they asked a question he’s answered at least a dozen times, all while remembering their name and signing a print. On top of his creative qualities, this is why Jason’s become a global artist – everyone who approaches him feels like they’re having a conversation with an old friend.
We ate tacos and drank too many Calidad Cervezas and JuneShine hardbuchas to remember all the details, but you get the gist. It was a night honoring one man’s fine work with beautiful people." ––Stab